Autochair Smart Transfer Person Lift

Autochair Smart Transfer Person Lift

Smart Transfer Person Lift

    • The Smart Transfer Person Lift has been specially designed for lifting people from their wheelchair into a vehicle and out again.
    • Fits most 4 door cars, all 2 door cars, people carriers and 4x4s.
    • Lifts up to 150 kg
    • The lift weighs just 8kg, has emergency switches and an optional manual operation.
    • Manufactured in the U.K.    


The lift can be operated by a helper or by the disabled person using a small control box attached to a fly lead.

There are only two switches, one for on/off. One for up/down on a corded remote control

Once the person has been lifted, horizontal movements are made manually, a process made easy by the three pivot points of the lift.


Please CLICK HERE to watch a You Tube Video Demonstration of the Autochair Smart Transfer Hoist