Posted on in Forearm Gutter Walkers, Parkinsons and Neuological Walkers
Platform U-Step Neuro Walker has forearm gutters to assist with stooping & assists with weak upper body control.
Roland Priestley Mobility Centre Sydney offers The U Step walking Stabiliser and also the Topro Neuro Walker. These specialty walkers are designed for people mainly with Neurological conditions or those with severe balance problems.
Platform U-Step Neuro Walker has forearm gutters to assist with stooping & assists with weak upper body control.
Parkinsons and Neuological Specialty Walkers
The Topro Neuro Parkinson’s Rollator has reverse braking designed for Parkinson’s sufferers and other neurological conditions.
The U-Step 2 walker is designed for people with Parkinson’s and other neurological conditions. Its patented U shaped frame offers greater stability when compared to most other walkers.